I think it's time to celebrate my official business launch. After a year plus of portfolio-building, and many many hours spent learning and working on the business side of photography, I am ready to jump in with both feet. Yay! With a new blog look, a new logo, a website, and {most importantly, heehee} permission from the great state of Idaho and the IRS, I'm ready to call myself a photographer.
And what better way to thank all my past and future clients than with a GIVEAWAY!
What can you win?? A FREE photo session!! {including the session fee and collection one, this is a $395 value!}. Anyone in Eastern Idaho or Utah is eligible....or anyone willing to travel here. What if you already have a session booked? Yes, you can enter, too and your session will be free.
For out-of-staters, you can enter to win a MOUNTED 11x16 FINE ART PRINT! Choose from the four below and in your entry tell me which one you want to win!
1. Assateague Lighthouse, Virginia; 2. Annapolis, Maryland; 3. Cabo San Lucas; 4. Chincoteague Island, Virginia
Details, details.....Here's how you can get up to five entries:
1. Comment on this blog post and tell me what kind of session or which fine art print you want to win.
2. Visit my website, then come back and leave another comment with feedback on my site.
4. Share my giveaway in your facebook status or on twitter, and come back and in another comment share the link with me to your page.
5. Blog about it! Then come back and leave a comment with a link to your blog.
Easy peasy. Are you excited yet? Giveaway ends Sunday, March 13. Winners will be announced Monday, March 14.
Go forth and Enter!